Saturday, January 24, 2015

The time has come that I now plant my flag and claim my future.  Moreover, I must stop allowing other from taking from and not joining with me in the creation of a better future.  So, I have now decided to pursue my purpose and stand committed to its fulfillment.  

Thomas Edison once said, “Being busy does not always mean real work. The object of all work is production or accomplishment and to either of these ends there must be forethought, system, planning, intelligence, and honest purpose, as well as perspiration. Seeming to do is not doing.”

THOMAS EDISON QUOTE:  "I Have Not Failed.  I've Just Found 10,000 Ways That Won't Work." - Thomas Edison. Re-pinned by #EuropassI have gotten tired of not doing and doing for someone else.  In trying to be the Uncle that I wish I had, and brother that has been an enabler of  ill responsibility.  I have lessen the impact of my talents and skills as a public speaker.  Moreover, I have watched time move pass me and the life that I want to live has turned into a green light off in the distance that is not getting closer, but instead is turning into a hazy image that is crying out to me for action.   Although time is marching forward, I still have time to realize my purpose and live a life of meaning.  In seeking to find purpose in my life I look to my name, Curtis, which in the French language means curtsies.  The meaning of my name Curtis is derived from the Old French curteis (Modern French courteous) which means "polite, courteous, or well-bred.  And, from these words: polite, courteous, or well-bred, I see and understand my purpose as one of service to others.  In all the jobs that I have enjoyed, it has been those endeavors where I have given service or served as a bridge between misunderstanding and understanding.  And, as I look at project management, which has been characterized as herding cats, I find my ship of opportunity. I have adopted a new mantra with my nephews and nieces, which has three parts, one’s aim should be to bring value to self, family and community (Cuncta valet ad se, familia et communitas).  Moreover I have come to see that my purpose is wrapped up and defined in the above mantra of bring value to self, family and community (Cuncta valet ad se, familia et communitas) because without that tirade of focus, one will spin out of control, waste time, effort and resources just in surviving and trying to fill in time with any endeavor that moves one down the road.  And, I have become tired of just moving down the road.  My value is derived and manifested in my ability of taking complex ideas, processes and observations and translating them to a broader audience through the means of public speaking, customer service, and being a trust adviser.  As that trusted adviser, I am not seeking to be the end authority or the creator of a meta – narrative, instead I am adding another perspective and understanding to a situation that allows for understanding to occupy a space where doubt and fear exist.  Moreover, I have come to see that fear is nothing more than False Evidence Appearing as Reality.

I will endeavor top create a reality the bring value  and understanding, so I will commit and discipline myself to a weekly blog. Within, this blog will be my personal exploration of leadership, development of personal content for speeches and the sharing of my story of transformation.  So hold on let's began the journey of understanding and development.

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