Saturday, January 31, 2015

Steps in Making a Purpose Real

Now how will I live out this purpose?

My way or route to living out my purpose is wrapped up in three endeavors, obtainment of my doctorate in business administration with a focus on project management, membership in the Toastmasters and the National Speakers Bureau where I can hone my skills as a public speaker/orator who can command a speaking fee of $5,000.00 or more.  The third part of my path is transforming my physical body which stand as my proof of accomplishment of the creation of a deeper and boarder understanding of the science of taking an idea from an abstract concept to a concrete process or defined object that one can be touch and felt.  And, the physical transformation my body is proof and a testament to me that I can have a great impact upon my world.   I start from a weight of 214 and approximately a month membership with Golds Gym and support of a trainer; I now weight 207, with a a defined aim of weighing 180 or less.  Moreover, as I pursue the above path I will live out the mantra of bring value to self, family, and community.  I can no longer keep putting family first when elements or individuals in that family are devaluing self and sucking the value from me.  So, space has to be achieved between me and that family member or members.  Space for me is defined as a mental perspective, which will manifest into a physical state of existence.  Come this April, I will take the steps that lead to my DBA with Capella, which include starting my classes and buying my plane ticket to Atlanta, Ga to attend my residency.  Additionally, I can start the movement towards that goal with the creation of a saving account though PayPal.  Another step that I have taken is finding a possible topic for my dissertation, which is as follows:

Ironman: A model of an Agile Project Manager (a qualitative case study)

Additionally, I will pursue the transformation of my body and mind with the discipline of a five day workout at Gold’s Gym and participating in the Gold’s Gym Challenge, which will aid me in the achievement of goal of a targeted weight of 180 or less with a tone and health body, mind and spirt.  Moreover in accepting the Gold’s Gym Challenge, I am seeking definite results that will cause the world to take notice, but the only opinion that will count is mine and the input of trusted advisers.
My purpose is set, the mode of achieving the purpose changes, but the North Star of the purpose will remain.  I seek to bring value to self, family and community by becoming and being Dr. Curtis Lee Hill Jr., a Lion from the East, whose roar brings understanding and comfort.

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