Sunday, October 18, 2015


Perseverance = the reality of magic

The world around us is always in a state of change and moving in a direction, and it is up to us to select what direction one wants his or her world to move in.  Recently, I had the honor of speaking at my Toastmasters Club, Dawn Patrol, I gave a speech entitled “The Reality of Magic.”  The central theme of my speech was that perseverance is the reality of magic.  It is through the day - in and day - out grind that produces the magic that we all want.  Temple Grandin said it well when she said, “People are always looking for the single magic bullet that will totally change everything.  There is no single magic bullet,” I assert instead that there are numerous bullets that create magically states of being that we all want.  Having grown up in a Housing Project community in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, I have come to realize that the success I have experienced to date has its magic originating from numerous wizards, mentors, guides and events in my life.  Two of my greatest wizards have been my mother, Roise Lee Hill – Watson and my Headmaster and English teacher, John A Pidgeon.  What these two wizards revealed to me was that I have the capacity for greatest, and that I am the greatest representation of Curtis Lee Hill Jr., moreover with this understanding of self, I was able to understand the magic within Nelson Mandala’s and Bishop Desmond Tutu’s conceptualization of UBUNTU, “if I am to be great, you are to be great.”  No one man or women holds the truth for all, and if one reality seeks and desire real success, it is obtained by daring self to reach out to others and learn, love and be inspired to find your personal best, and those mentors, wizards and guides that receive the call from an apprentice are offering you an opportunity for greatest by giving you a chance for immortality, because your advice, magic chants and counsel is enshrined in the works of that apprentice.  And, you are changing the world in a positive manner by creating a state of being where energy is shared and enabled to move around the world in the creation of a magical state of existence.  The grind is still a grind, but it is transformed into a journey of joy that gives birth to happiness.  Perseverance then becomes the magic that an apprentice uses to sharpen his or her tools.  

And to follow the words of the band Magic!

"Don't kill the magic"

This has been a roar from the Lion of the East,” whose words bring comfort and understanding 

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